
Su Omina

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Su Omina is a nationalist organization based in the province of Brenas, with smaller branches active across Rizia. Its self-proclaimed goal is to put native Rizians "above all" (the literal translation of the Rizian phrase "su omina") and restore the borders the kingdom had prior to the taking of Pales and Zille. The organization was founded in 1932, as Wehzek civilians fleeing the war began to enter Rizia via the region of Zille. Wanting to maintain Wehlen's favor, King Valero Toras kept Rizia's borders open, imposing a quota system by which Brenas accepted the majority of arrivals, with Montaklar and Rizia Imperii taking on smaller numbers and Valenqiris the least amount. Claiming the refugees presented a threat to Rizian values and were putting an undue amount of pressure on the country's social system, a handful of citizens in Iza began organizing weekly protests with the tacit approval of then-Duke Hugo Toras. At first poorly attended, the gatherings grew over the next decade as immigration from Wehlen (and an increasingly extremist Derdia) continued. The 1941 recruitment of Rico Toras, King Valero's nephew, resulted in a larger public spotlight and many new members for the organization. Su Omina's current activities include weekly "neighborhood patrols" in Iza, Porte Drazon, Montaklar and Monqiz, as well as quarterly rallies hosted on the grounds of Rico Toras' royal residence in Iza. Members have organized boycotts of Wehzek-owned businesses and pressured local governments into shutting off aid for asylum seekers, but no direct violence has been recorded as a result of the group.