

Silhouette of Valgen
Silhouette of Valgen

Valgen is regarded as one of the most important cities of the east. Its rich multi-cultural history is admired among historians and sociologists. Moreover, it is the main logistical artery that links the liberal region of Gruni to Lespia. The river delta and the warm climate result in very fertile ground for fruit agriculture.

Therefore, Valgen is known to be the primary citrus producer in the country, surpassing even Deyr. The city also inhibits the second largest hydroelectric power plant in the country. It was built with the help of Lespian engineers three decades ago.

Once upon a time, the city was nicknamed 'the Lachaven of the East', but that torch has slowly been passed on to Benfi. The emigration triggered by the economic crisis caused a huge change in urban society. The city became poorer and living standards worsened, so many moved away to find better prospects. This caused the Lespian investments being retracted out of the city, which caused further unemployment the city couldn’t recover from.

During the thousand-year existence as a city, Valgen was controlled by several different countries and people. The tribe of Valgs were the founders of the city. Later it switched hands between the Markians, Lespians and the Sords. Most of the ethnic Valgs still living in the city left and settled to their recently founded homeland, Valgos, while the thousands of Lespians who lived under the Markian Empire also decided to settle in their newly independent country.

Nowadays only few of the old Valg and Lespian traditions are being practiced by Sordish citizens. However, some ideas, like freedom and equality that formed through living together have continued throughout generations.

Updated 29 Jul 2023
Doc contributor
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