Symon Holl

Symon Holl is a politician and businessman who serves as the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Energy of Sordland. He is a member of the United Sordland Party and the co-chairman of the National Business Council.
As the former chairman of the Central Bank of Sordland, Symon is known to possess great influence over the economy of Sordland, and he is regarded as one of the top experts in Sordland on financial matters. He was a big supporter of the free market reforms of Ewald Alphonso, but criticized his other policies and blamed the recession on his rushed handling of the reforms.
Symon is often famed for his promotion of free market economy in Sordland and his analyses of the economic boom in Arcasia. He wrote several books and articles on the economic inequality in the Markian region, which earned him praise from economists both in Sordland and abroad.
Symon gave his support to Anton Rayne after the recession and campaigned with him throughout the whole election process. Eventually, he was appointed as the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Energy.