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In the region of Bergia, the city of Sarna lies at the border to Lespia. It is the only Sordish city that contains a small enclave of Wehzeks and Lespians.

The southern tip of the great Maris forest begins at the north-east gate of the city and stretches all the way to Gelsord. Rumour has it that a forest giant lives here since the first century, but residents say the claim is pure fantasy.

Sarna's centrum has one of the most confusing street networks in the country, because it developed organically rather than planned. Even though beautiful from a bird’s eye view, traffic congestion becomes a real problem during rush hour. To solve the problem, the mayor advocates the use of bicycles over cars.

Exactly five decades ago the mastermind Heron Walt began an experiment in where the cities of Sarna and Merlotia would be totally exempt from tax. All parties were surprised that the free-trade zone was a total success and Sarna has been better off ever since.

Updated 29 Jul 2023
Doc contributor
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