Republic of Arcasia

The Republic of Arcasia, commonly referred to as Arcasia, is a constitutional republic situated in Western Merkopa and widely acknowledged as a global superpower. The nation's capital, Ventrie City, serves as the financial center of the world. President Dwight Walker, a distinguished figure with Rumburgian heritage, presently leads the country. Modern-day Arcasia's foundation dates back to 1823, following the overthrow of King Jonathan XII ruling the Kingdom of Arcas by the determined Arcasian revolutionaries known as the "Γclaireurs de la LibertΓ©," led by the charismatic and visionary leader, Louis Beaumont. This catalyzed a period of global conflict called the 'Century of Revolutions.' Emerging as a superpower at the close of the century, Arcasia expanded its influence by championing capitalism on a global scale. The nation heavily relies on its formidable military strength and has engaged in numerous military operations and security pacts worldwide. As a highly developed country, Arcasia secured its position as the world's largest economy by nominal GDP at the start of the 20th century. This era witnessed Arcasian companies becoming dominant global players, Arcasian universities transforming into world-class educational institutions, and Arcasian citizens enjoying unparalleled political freedoms. However, the nation also contends with significant income inequality between rural and urban areas and faces criticism for alleged human rights abuses. Arcasia's economic power is currently locked in a fierce ideological battle with United Contana, as both nations compete for global influence. While some perceive Arcasia as a beacon of freedom, others regard it as oppressive, especially in light of recent reports of torture camps and the unethical use of force against prisoners of war. Despite these challenges, Arcasia boasts one of the world's strongest economies and enjoys relatively good political freedoms. Its citizens benefit from low unemployment rates and high purchasing power, fueling the nation's consumerist culture. The country encompasses much of the west coast of Merkopa and includes some remote regions of North-West Merkopa, as well as the Western Merkopan Desert, resulting in stretches of undeveloped land. Arcasia is a founding member of the Arcasian Treaty Organization (ATO), established to counter the threats of Malenyevism and United Contana's military capabilities. It is also a member of the Organisation for Merkopan Economic Development (OMEC) and holds a permanent seat in the Alliance of Nations. The nation's commitment to these organizations highlights its ongoing dedication to preserving global stability and promoting its values.
Led by Dwight Walkerο»Ώο»Ώ