F.S.R. of United Contana

United Contana is a federalist socialist republic situated on the continent of Contana, and considered as a superpower of the world. It is a union of multiple socialist republics spanning Contana. The country is a one-party state, governed by the Communist Party with Kyow as its capital. It is led by Chairman Leon "Malenyev" Chavatangakwunua.
United Contana had its roots in the 1907 Revolution, when the revolutionaries of the Rotski, led by Malenyev, overthrew the Kontanian government which had replaced the autocratic regime of the king during the Century of Revolutions. In 1910, after a civil war ending in the Rotskis' victory, the United Contana was formed by a treaty that united the Kontanian, Transcontanan, Kyovian, and Byelocontanan republics of the Contana continent.
Malenyev replaced the market economy with a command economy which led to a period of rapid industrialization and collectivization in the United Contana. During this period, rapid economic development resulted in dramatic improvements in the average standard of living, particularly in urban areas. The country saw major reforms under the ideology of Malenyevism. It promoted the idea of the permanent revolution abroad and supported social revolutions in nearby states with early-stage capitalism. United Contana grew its influence around the world with Malenyevist ideas and rose to become a superpower of the world.
United Contana is currently locked in a fierce global ideological battle with Arcasia. Both powers are in a race of influence around the globe. United Contana has been growing its influence around the world by supporting less fortunate nations with their problems, supporting revolutionaries and unions abroad. They have already influenced several revolutions to occur which led to the founding of new Marco-Malenyevist nations.
The nation has a very strong economy and an average civil rights record with few political freedoms. Thanks to the education reforms and heavy promotion of sciences, they experienced a technological golden age and currently are considered to be ahead of their rivals in the world. The continent is very resource rich and United Contana uses this as a means to spread their influence around the globe. It tends to export natural resources more than any nation in the world, and in exchange, sets up military bases in strategic countries.
It is the founding member of the Contanan Security Pact (CSP) which was created against the growing threat of Arcasian Capitalism and neo-imperialism. It is also a permanent member of the Alliance of Nations.
List of Federal Socialist Republics
- Kontania
- Kyow
- Kaidu
- Zolatec
- Auzatl
- Yurzestan
- Slovarya
- Chimaltenango
- Quinaulta
- and more
Led by Leon "Malenyev" Chavatangakwunuaο»Ώο»Ώ