
Pales Administrative District

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The Pales Administrative District is a unique territorial division within the Kingdom of Rizia. The region was part of Cardesse-Montaklar until Valgsland was allowed to annex it during the War of Rizian Succession, together with part of the Morellan coast. Under Valgish influence, it became a center of mining and industry, though its growth was marred by the occasional border clash with Rizia.

Following the Valgish revolution, the Rizian government reclaimed the district in a series of military operations, but opted to keep it under central rule rather than return it to House Azaro. Many of the region’s inhabitants fled to the Grand Duchy during this time. Today, the Administrative District still bears the scars of war, though Rizian Royal Gold operates a number of mines there and several Rezenid-era paleacci are still intact.