
Narbel is the smallest and poorest city in the Nargis region. It is located at the skirts of the Cavendir Mountain. Centuries past this town used to be positioned on a very important trade route that went towards the old capital of the Markian Empire. Narbel used to heavily benefit from this trade, and got quite enriched from it. In the past hundred years the city experienced a massive economic downturn. As most of the attention of the governments in Sordland went more inland, many old rural trade hubs like Narbel were forgotten. The previous governments weren't interested to invest in cities with a lack of natural resources. A recent discovery of natural gas resources in Narbel drastically changed the situation. A large investment from the Gasom Corporation boosted economic growth. The city still harbours a large population of poverty-stricken residents, who increasingly had to rely on farming and hunting for self-sufficiency. The situation also led to starvation, which became a big problem in the 1920's, but was quickly solved when the state intervened and subsidized bread and rice to Narbel.