
Laurento Esquibel

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Laurento Esquibel is the Foreign Affairs Councilor to the King of Rizia. Born just outside of Iza, he is a member of House Esquibel, one of the three noble families that ruled the former city-state before its incorporation into Brenas and the long-term reign of House Sazon. He met King-to-be Valero Toras while both were attending Iza University and soon became a member of the so-called "Princely Posse", a royal entourage famous for their late-night antics. After graduation and Valero's subsequent marriage to Estela Toras, he spent several years in the military, then became a foreign envoy to the Republic of Morella, helping smooth over relations following the dissolution of the Empire of Moridia. Upon his coronation, King Valero immediately appointed Laurento to his royal council, where he remained for the subsequent 40 years. He is married with three children and six grandchildren.

Updated 16 Jun 2024
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