
House Sazon

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House of Sazon is one of the three noble houses of Rizia. Its members are descended from the ruling family of the province of Brenas, and its sigil is a cactus. Originally one of several noble families that alternated control over the city of Iza, the Sazons increased their sphere of influence during the War of Rizian Succession, when Duke Fedo used his blood ties to the royal family to lay claim to the throne. In the following century the Sazon family retained control of the Province of Brenas, though no members made it into the central government. In the years leading up to the 1926 Uprising, House Sazon was rumored to have been colluding with Arcasia in undermining the monarchy. This culminated in the betrayal and execution of Duke Lucas Sazon, as well as the subsequent exile of his wife Angelica and the loss of the Zille region to Wehlen, weakening the family significantly. However, the Sazons were allowed to keep their hold on Brenas' minor cities including Sallabes, Jales and Argno after swearing an oath of fealty to the crown. Historically, the Sazons are known to be patrons of arts and education, diverting significant funding to the University of Iza as well as cultural venues throughout Brenas and Rizia Imperii.

Updated 16 Jun 2024
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