
Voice of Rizia

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The Voice of Rizia is the most established independent news source in the Kingdom of Rizia. Established as a counterpoint to the pro-monarchy narratives prevalent in other media outlets, the Voice of Rizia dedicates itself to investigative journalism, critical analyses, and the championing of democratic reforms. Its content critically examines the actions of the monarchy and the government, advocating for transparency and accountability among the ruling elite.

Published for a brief window of time in the early 20th century, it was shut down under the reign of King Valero Toras. Its editorship went underground until Valero's son Romus ended the censorship of the Rizian press by royal decree. Today, the Voice has become a symbol of resilience and the relentless pursuit of truth. It serves a readership that values depth, nuance, and the exploration of ideas that challenge the status quo.

Updated 16 Jun 2024
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