Political Parties

United Sordland Party

Party Logo of the USP
Party Logo of the USP

The United Sordland Party (USP) is a political party in Sordland. It is the oldest political party in the country, and is currently acting as the governing party. As the self-proclaimed unifying force behind Sordland's establishment, the United Sordland Party presents itself as a contemporary democratic organization that adheres to the republic's foundational tenets. The party maintains that it played the central role in creating a unified Sordland. Its logo consists of the three arrows shining from a lightbulb, which represent the foundational principles of Sollism: republicanism, nationalism, and statism.

It was founded by Tarquin Soll in 1929, following the end of the Sordish Civil War. It participated in the first elections after the war with no contest and was elected into government. It has been the leading party in Sordish politics since 1929 without any disruptions. In the 1940’s, the party slowly started to protest against Tarquin Soll’s authoritarian policies and strayed from the Sollist ideology. With the new reformist faction increasing their influence in the 1940’s, Ewald Alphonso called for a congress and managed to win against Tarquin Soll, which made Soll resign from his position as chairman of the USP in 1946. Ewald Alphonso served as the second chairman of the USP and was elected President in 1949.

His term saw many changes to the USP with many of the old leadership leaving or being evicted from the party. Alphonso administration pushed for free market reforms which resulted in the Recession of β€˜51. This helped Anton Rayne rise up as a young new leader during the tumultuous period of the party with its lost identity.