Historical Events

The Falenco Disaster of 1918


The Falenco Naval Disaster of 1918 was a significant military operation conducted by the Royalist navy of the Empire of Valgos against the Republic of Lespia. This preemptive strike was aimed at crippling the Lespian Navy to prevent potential support for the revolutionary movements emerging in Valgos, led by Ulbrik. The Royalists leveraged their superior naval force, which was among the largest in the world at the time, to execute the attack. Utilizing strategic positions on Ravnos Island, Caleqabiz, and the Pales region, the Royalists combined aerial and naval power in a surprise assault on the port of Falenco, with additional strikes on San Mantua and San Verlon. The operation resulted in the sinking of approximately 90 Lespian vessels, most of which were stationed at Falenco and Gios Bay. This attack significantly diminished Lespia's naval strength, setting it back several decades. The Falenco Naval Disaster had a profound impact on the naval balance of power in Eastern Merkopa. The attack left an indelible mark on Lespian history and psyche, remembered as a stark manifestation of military aggression and a significant factor in shaping the geopolitical landscape of Eastern Merkopa.