
Royal Council

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The Royal Council consists of the most loyal and trustworthy associates of the Rizian monarch and acts as a de facto cabinet of the monarch's government. Established in the early years of the Kingdom in the 1600s, the council was originally conceived as a mechanism to consolidate the power of the crown and ensure efficient governance amidst a backdrop of burgeoning provincial interests.

Its main role is to advise the monarch on matters of state, ranging from domestic policies to international relations. Additionally, the council often serves as a conduit between the throne and Riziaโ€™s provinces, ensuring that regional concerns are adequately addressed at the national level.

Its composition has shifted over the years, but it generally comprises experts on the economy, security, religion and foreign relations, overseen by a Grand Vizier โ€“ usually a member of the monarchโ€™s most trusted inner circle. The Royal Council also acts as the Riziaโ€™s top judiciary body and decides on important legal matters with a vote, although the monarch can override any council decision. New councilors are appointed every seven years.