Republic of Wehlen

Wehlen, officially the Republic of Wehlen, is a presidential republic located in Eastern Merkopa. The nation is currently governed by the Wehzek Nationalist Party of Nurist Socialism under the leadership of President Wiktor Smolak. Its capital city is Wraclawitz. The state of Wehlen was established by Baron Warongrad Reczniek in 1630, who seceded from the Markian Empire to form his own kingdom in a region predominantly inhabited by the Wehzek people. Despite the Wehzek people's longstanding presence in the area, spanning over a thousand years, they had never before managed to unify under a single governmental entity. Following a bloody revolution in 1914, the monarchical system was dismantled, replaced by a republic. This change heralded a short-lived economic boom, driven by the discovery of gold, diamond mines, and oil in the mountainous areas near Rumburg and Lespia. However, the nation's stability was shattered in 1930 when a civil war erupted following the assassination of the president by a Wehzek royalist. The country was split, with the conflict escalating further in 1930 due to foreign interventions from Arcasia backed the southern factions, while United Contana supported the northern factions. This period also saw armed rebel groups from neighboring Sordland establishing bases within Wehlen. The civil war, which lasted until 1940, wreaked havoc across Wehlen, leading to widespread starvation, disease, and a massive refugee crisis. Despite the formal end of the conflict in 1940 and the re-establishment of the republic, Arcasian troops were withdrawn in 1936. United Contana then established a peacekeeping brigade in 1937 in Wraclawitz, which remained until 1943. The protracted period of turmoil fueled a strong anti-Arcasian sentiment, which played a significant role in the rise of the Wehzek Nationalist Party of Nurist Socialism. Wiktor Smolak, a pivotal figure during the post-war era, was elected president in 1943, subsequently steering the country towards a one-party state framework. Despite being rich in natural resources like oil and diamonds, Wehlen is considered to have one of the weakest economies in Eastern Merkopa, exacerbated by its poor record on civil rights and political freedoms. It is often cited as the least favorable nation in Merkopa for starting a business. Wehlen is a member of the Organisation for Merkopan Economic Development (OMEC) and the Alliance of Nations, participating actively in regional economic and political initiatives.