Republic of Qinal

The Republic of Qinal, commonly known as Qinal, is a strategically situated country, predominantly on the Xenal Peninsula in Northern Xina with a minor segment extending into Southeast Merkopa. To the north, Qinal shares borders with Morella and the Free Cities, while it is flanked by the Sea of Nem to the west, Neqis to the south, and the Antacean Sea to the east. Qinal is unique for being the only Xinan member of the Arcasian Treaty Organization (ATO). The nation's political framework is a parliamentary republic, with the current Prime Minister, Reza Ngoda, in office. Its capital, Moustapal, is the nation's most populous city. Ancient civilizations such as the Xenali, Gertic, and the North Xinan Empire once thrived in the area known today as Qinal. The 8th century saw the first wave of Qinali migration. Initially arriving as raiders and mercenaries at the service of the North Xinan Empire, they eventually established themselves as the ruling class of the Xenal region. Qinal's religious landscape was profoundly reshaped in the 11th century when the Mousser invaders propagated Zaranism, a religion that is still predominant today. The Markians, during the Great Invasion of Merkopa, managed to seize most of the peninsula's northern territories. However, their advance was brought to a halt at Moustapal in 1582 by the Mousser Empire, thereby concluding the 29-Year-War. During the period between the 17th and 19th centuries, the Valgos Empire asserted its dominance over Qinal's eastern coasts and northern territories. However, a bloody conflict in 1821 resulted in the Qinali regaining control over these regions. The dissolution of the Mousser Empire in 1905 paved the way for the Qinali Independence Movement, which subsequently led to the establishment of the Republic of Qinal. Under the leadership of the first president, a series of reforms transformed Qinal into a unitary parliamentary republic and a significant military power. In 1945, the country became a member of the ATO. As a regional powerhouse situated at a geopolitically crucial location, Qinal has faced allegations of multiple sabotage incidents by Morella and the Free Cities. Boasting a large economy, Qinal is known for its above-average civil rights and commendable political freedoms. Zaranism is the predominant religion among the majority of its population. Qinal's international affiliations include being a founding member of the Xinan Economic Cooperation (XEC) and a member of the Alliance of Nations.