Republic of Lespia

Lespia, officially the Republic of Lespia is a country in Eastern Merkopa with some pockets of territory in the Antecaen Sea. It is a parliamentary republic currently governed by the Democrazia Lespia party with Patricio Alvarez as the prime minister. Its capital is Perla.
Lespia is one of the oldest countries on the Merkopan continent, emerging as a kingdom in the early 9th century. It was conquered by the Markian Empire in the 11th century, which ruled the area for nearly 6 centuries. When Lespia became independent again in the 17th century, it emerged as a federation of small city states, princedoms and duchies, ruled by an elective monarchy in Perla.
Republic of Lespia was formed during the Century of Revolutions, following a peaceful revolution in 1850, inspired by the Arcasian revolution. For much of the modern period until the 19th century, Lespia ruled over a large area of land in the Antecaen Sea as well as several colonies in the continent of Rika.
The country was heavily criticized by the international arena for shutting down their borders during the Wehlen Civil War. In the 1930's, Lespia went through a great economic boom and emerged as a global economic power in the late 1940βs.
Arcasia is regarded as Lespiaβs closest ally in the region, which has had very close ties with the nation for nearly a decade. After Patricio Alvarez became prime minister, he approved the housing of Arcasian military personnel in Lespia, and in 1950, joined the Arcasian Treaty Alliance.
The nation has arguably the strongest economy in Eastern Merkopa and a below average civil rights record with very good political freedoms. Despite being a wealthy country, Lespian people suffer from very high levels of inequality between the poor and the rich. Lespia has recently become a center of Eastern Merkopan tourism and entertainment.
It is a member of the Arcasian Treaty Organization (ATO,) which was created to counter the influence of Malenyevism and United Contanaβs military capabilities. It is also a member of Organisation for Merkopan Economic Development (OMEC) and a member of the Alliance of Nations.