
Province of Valenqiris

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Valenqiris, situated as the easternmost province of Rizia, holds the dual honor of being the ancestral seat of House Toras and the most economically developed region in the country. Its prime location on the Antacean Sea has been instrumental in establishing and maintaining prosperous trade relationships with Lespia, Kyrute, and the Valgos Empire. This strategic positioning on major trade routes has played a pivotal role in catapulting Valenqiris to economic prominence within Rizia.

Contributing significantly to the province's economic strength is the Esqiris Offshore Gas Field, situated near Topes along Valenqiris' southern coast. The exploitation of this vast natural gas reserve has greatly enhanced the province's economic portfolio, which also boasts a robust tourism industry. Valenqiris is equally celebrated for its viticulture, particularly in its picturesque hilly inland areas around Qalus that house some of Rizia's most prestigious wineries. These wineries, often set within sprawling estates owned by the Toras family and their noble allies, add to the province's charm and allure.

Demographically, Valenqiris is predominantly inhabited by native Rizians and those of Rizian-Valgish descent, creating a rich cultural milieu. The province is also home to notable Lespian and Sordish enclaves, contributing to its diverse cultural landscape.

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