
Nurist Republic of Derdia

The Flag of the Nurist Republic of Derdia
The Flag of the Nurist Republic of Derdia

The Nurist Republic of Derdia, commonly referred to as Derdia, is a theocratic republic located in the southeast quadrant of Merkopa. Its borders encompass the countries of Wehlen and Agard to the north, the Free Cities to its west, and to the south lie Morella and the Gulf of Moridia. The government of Derdia is founded on Wruhecist principles, with the highest authority vested in the "Supreme Wiseman," a position presently held by Jorga Azmal. The capital city of the republic is Neael. Derdia's name traces back to the ancient Gerdic kingdom of Dertea, which was nestled within what are now the boundaries of Agardia, Derdia, and Wehlen. The region was overtaken by Wehzek and Bludish tribes in the sixth century, marking the introduction of Nurity, Wehzek culture, and language. Derdia underwent further changes in the 10th century as it fell under the control of the Rezenid Empire and later, in the 13th century, was absorbed by the Markian Empire. With the collapse of the Markians in the 17th century, Derdia integrated into the larger Empire of Moridia which ruled over present day Derdia, Morella, and the Free Cities. Derdia experienced significant transformations in the 1850s. Inspired by the Arcasian Revolution, the Empire of Moridia transitioned into a republic but was subsequently divided due to religious and ethnic strife. Derdia eventually emerged as an independent republic, bolstered by military and economic support from Arcasia. However, the Arcasian-supported government eventually succumbed to collapse in 1911, morphing into a theocracy founded on Golcondism, a rigid interpretation of the Wruhecist school of thought. This Wruhecist regime has attracted international condemnation due to extensive human rights and civil liberties abuses. By the 1930s, Derdia became a hub for Golcondism within Eastern Merkopa and was perceived as the largest adversary of the Free Cities. Derdia's government has had a hand both directly and indirectly in the Wehlen Civil War, insurgencies in Morella and the Free Cities, and religious missionary efforts in Merkopa and Xina. While considered a middle economic power in Eastern Merkopa, Derdia has a significantly weak civil rights record and lacks political freedoms. Despite being the world's only Wruhecist theocracy, its interpretation of Nurity has faced significant international backlash from a large section of Wruhecists. Derdia is a founding member of the International Nurist Community (INC) and a member of the Alliance of Nations.