Nia Morgna

Nia Morgna is a politician and attorney from the Sordish region of Bergia, who serves as the Minister of Justice and Law. She became a member of the United Sordland Party in 1949, and served as the Vice Minister of Justice during the Alphonso administration.
Before her political career, she worked as an attorney in Deyr and also taught Law in Deyr University of Culture. Although she came from a wealthy family, they lost their assets in the nationalisation plan of the 1930βs.
Nia was a strong critic of Tarquin Sollβs programs and vocal about her opposition to the Supreme Courtβs authority on state matters. Due to her expertise on Sordish law, she was appointed by Ewald Alphonso as the Vice Minister of Law in 1949.
During her role as the vice minister, Nia is credited to the defacto running of the Ministry of Justice under heavy pressure from the Sollist elements in the administration. She earned her reputation from her fight against corruption in the ministry among protests from the Supreme Court. She is regarded as one of the most experienced attorneys who worked for the government. She eventually gave her support to Anton Rayne and was appointed as the Minister of Justice and Law in 1953.