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On a plain between peaks of the Cardesse mountain range, the city of Montaklar is the capital of the Cardesse-Montaklar region and the military heart of Rizia. The city has its roots in one of Rizia's oldest settlements, founded by prehistoric tribes along the fertile Alca river valley. Ancient watchtowers can still be found in the mountains above it. One of those became the foundation of Fortress Montaklar, a giant Rezenid Empire-era castle and fortification whose ruins still tower over the city. Because of its mountain location, Montaklar, like Monqiz, was largely left alone by the Markian Empire. When the Kingdom of Rizia was established, a Rezna descendent, Bredus Azaro, was granted sovereignty over the city and its surroundings. Following the destruction of most of Fortress Montaklar by Valgish cannon fire in the War of Rizian Succession, the Azaros built a smaller palace in a similar style in the foothills below. Camp Domus, Rizia's main military base, was founded on the other side of the fortress in 1850. Multiple manufacturing industries are based in Montaklar and its surrounding mountains. The city is home to Rizia's most conservative voter base as well as one of its largest wealth gaps. More moneyed residents live in standalone houses in the foothills, while poorer factory workers crowd apartments in the inner city.

Updated 25 Jun 2024
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