


Monqiz is the capital city of Valenqiris and the ancestral seat of House Toras. It has been Rizia's most important port since Pales came under Valgish control in the 17th century, and serves as a crucial gateway between inland Southern Merkopa and the Antacean Sea. Due to its trading riches and strategic location, it became a functionally independent city-state during the Markian Empire; from 1200-ca. 1600 it was only nominally under Markian control. It amassed a powerful navy and was able to fight off numerous invasions by the Valgish Empire before finally unifying with the Kingdom of Rizia against the Markians in 1610. As part of their conditions for unification, the ruling Toras family was granted sovereignty over Monqiz as well as the surrounding region of Valenqiris. Through intermarriage they established closer relations with Valgos, giving them an advantage in the War of Rizian Succession. Monqiz's main features are its port, which handles imports from countries up and down the Merkopan coast as well as Rika and Xina, and Palas Toras, the Toras family residence since 1550, located high on a cliff above the rest of the city. It's also well-known for its waterside entertainment district, with casinos, expensive restaurants and Rizia's largest roller coaster. The political attitude of many Monqiz inhabitants is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. They have voted in favor of some of Rizia's most progressive anti-discrimination laws but are generally pro-monarchy and against higher taxes on wealthy citizens.

Updated 16 Jun 2024
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