


The nearly four-hundred years between 300 and 695 is known as the Migration Period. During this period, the Mark, Sord, Valg and Agno tribes moved from the great north to the southern part of the Merkopa continent. Historians claim the primary reason for this migration was extreme weather conditions which led to a great famine in the north. As the northern tribes migrated towards the south, they encountered and passed by many lands until they reached the lands of the Rum. The leaders of the tribes requested a hefty payment of gold in exchange of a peace agreement. The Rums who thought that the primitive soldiers and horsemen would be no match to their organized forces rejected to pay money. Consequently, thousands of villages and towns were raided, and the hordes of the tribes kept avoiding the main force of the Rums while creating havoc in their lands. This prompted the King of the Rums to sign a peace agreement, which allowed the tribes to settle in their lands. Resources gained from the subsequent raids helped the migrators immensely and doomed the Rums for the next 100 years. Despite being allied during the migration, the tribes increasingly grew apart over the next decade. The land disputes became commonplace and conflicts between the tribes pushed them in different directions.

Updated 29 Jul 2023
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