
Jen is the smallest city in the Greater Holsord Region. Though small it has a very fervourous populace who mostly support Sordish nationalism. The city is situated on several hills south towards the Lespian border.
The residents here are employed mainly in the transportation and storage industry. A small but significant percentage of Lespian goods comes through the mountains from Merlotia. Here they are stored, counted and sent towards Holsord. The areas surrounding Jen aren't suitable for agriculture or farming due to a very barren landscape. The river gives life to the areas around it, but the speed of the stream is too high to effectively make use of it.
The residents of Jen used to support the United Sordland Party and particularly Tarquin Soll, but ever since the leadership changed they have increasingly supported the Nationalist Front Party. Jen is currently one of the strongholds of the NFP. Many still regard the city as a refuge for extremists who have a hard time being accepted at other parts of the country.