Bludish Freedom Party
Bludish Freedom Party (BFP) was a Bludish political party in Sordland, which was banned from politics in 1933 for its alleged connections to the Bludish Freedom Front (BFF.)
BFP was formed in 1924 as a political party representing the many Bludish people living in southern Sordland and campaigned heavily for minority rights. They were expected to be elected as the main opposition party in the 1927 elections, which was cancelled after General Luderin executed a military coup and suspended the Constitution.
The 1933 Izzam Incident, which triggered the formation of the first Bludish resistance movement called Bludish Freedom Front (BFF) inspired many Bludish people to join their ranks, among them were ex-members of the BFP, which prompted attacks from the government. Following the terrorist attacks organized by the BFF, Tarquin Soll accused BFP of supporting them and banned the party out of politics in 1933. Bludish representation has been absent from politics since then, until the founding of the Workers Party of Bludia in 1948.