Main Page

Welcome to the official codex of the Suzerain Universe.
Here you can find all information available in the Suzerain game codex and discover more about the lore of the fictional universe created by Torpor Games. This website serves as the official wiki.
Torpor Games is not affiliated with, has control over, or is responsible for any other wikis online.
Some important articles are listed below! Hundreds of other articles can be accessed through the navigation panel on the left.
Find more about the Suzerain game here: https://www.suzeraingame.comο»Ώ
Find out more about The Conformist game here: https://www.theconformistgame.comο»Ώ

You can purchase the Kingdom of Rizia DLC here:ο»Ώ
Do you want to support Torpor Games and the Suzerain Universe? More below.

You can purchase the Supporter Edition bundle here: ο»Ώ
This also gives you a discount on the total cost!
Do you want physical items from the Suzerain Universe?
The official Suzerain merch store is accessible here:ο»Ώ